

According to the 2011 census Bhind district has 299233 Number of households, total population 1703562 which include 926940 Male and 776622 female, persons per sq. km is 382

The population of Bhind is as follows:

Total Rural Urban
Persons Total 1703562 1270762 432800
Male 926940 694793 232147
Female 776622 575969 200653

Sex Ratio:

Sex Ratio is the number of females per 1000 males.According to the 2011 census as

Total Rural Urban
838 829 864

Sex Ratio(0-6 years)

Total Rural Urban
835 832 844

Literacy rate:

Total Rural Urban
76.59% 75.42% 79.97%

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes:

There were 374,799 persons as Scheduled Castes and 6131 persons as Scheduled Tribes according to Census 2011. Thus in number the tribal population is quite insignificant.


With about 94% of the population practicing Hindu religion, the District is predominantly Hindu , followed by a little more than 3% Muslim and about 2% Jain population, a few number of Christians ,Buddhists and Sikhs also live in Bhind.

Area No. of Tehsils No. of Janpad panchayats No. of Gram Panchayats No. of Municipal Councils No. of Nagar Panchayats
4,459 Sq Km 9 6 447 2 9